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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I can’t have one of every type of horse I’d like to own, I barely have time to take care of the two I have. So one of the reasons I love photographing horses so much is because it’s my way of collecting horses. While I certainly can't fill a barn, I’m filing my website with as many breeds and disciplines as I can. It feels very much the same as the way my sister and I used to add toy Breyer models to our shelves in our bedroom growing up.

It’s a wide and wonderful world when it comes to horses and when I’m holding my camera I enjoy the challenge of the getting those little breed/discipline details right. It’s what separates great from good in the horse world.

That is why I was so excited last month to have the opportunity to photograph some very different horses within one week.

On Wednesday I met Frankie, a 19 hand+ Belgian Gelding. Wow what a star! He completely charmed me. More than just a gentle giant, Frankie has a playful personally and I was impressed with his grace and movement under saddle. I did something I have never done before; I handed my camera to my client and asked to be photographed with him!

Three days later I was privileged to photograph the Indiana Miniature Equine Club's Futurity show in Greenfield. http://indianaminiatureequinecl.homestead.com/index.html Talk about a 360! Not only did the minis look extra tiny compared to Frankie, but because it was a futurity there were plenty of babies! They were super cute! I once again asked a client to photograph me with her horse. One of the tiniest guys there named Louki. He stole my heart too. He is named after the Norse god of mischief and he looks like a very little version of my mare Callie.

:) Kelly

Posted by Posted by Kelly Lynn at 3:04 PM

